
A lifetime of good exercise is actually of great importance in having an active and healthy lifestyle
Introduction to the world of exercise and sports is an important part of education, we attach great value to it and make every effort to achieve it. The program of our school is organized according to learning and development lines with regard to exercise.



The students at our school enjoy the range of exercise, the lessons are fun and feasible for every student. You can see this in the way in which we take into account the different levels of movement during the lessons. In physical education, participation, fun and commitment are more important than winning. Yet the competitive element is also part of sport. It should not be missing, as long as it goes hand in hand with sports fun and good guidance.



All of the students get physical eduction from a certified (ALO) teacher, this includes group 1/2. Group 1/2 gets one lesson a week from the PE teacher en the groups 3-8 get two lessons a week. 

This gives students the space to experience movements and make them their own. We organize the movement activity in such a way that every student has a great chance of success and that failure is even impossible. In addition to the regular offer, we also organize tournaments, sports days, after-school sports clinics and we regularly invite guest teachers.